Katy Linda

The Breastfeeding Den


An IBCLC is a certified breastfeeding professional.

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About Katy

I am a mom, and I loved breastfeeding my children, despite the difficulties I experienced. Being a mom is a tough job, I don’t want moms to feel alone or lost in the process.

I love seeing moms happy. I love seeing moms succeed. Whether their goals are to breastfeed their babies for weeks, months, or years, I get really excited to see moms get into a space where they feel good and feel like they tackled the task at hand.

I connect with moms, and I encourage moms. I can help with any situation and we can help mom and baby be comfortable with their breastfeeding relationship. I want to get to know the whole picture of the mom and baby pair. Providing breastfeeding support is different for every situation and it is best done when I have a chance to get to know the moms I am working with. I also feel that when moms are looking for a lactation consultant, there needs to be a connection. So I urge you to read about me, read my blogs, check out my twitter stream and Facebook page.


Please note that any content posted on this directory is the exclusive responsibility of the individual who posted it. You acknowledge that Breastfeeding.Support is not responsible for, does not control, does not endorse nor does it verify the content or services on this directory. Furthermore, Breastfeeding.Support makes no guarantee regarding the reliability, accuracy, legitimacy or quality of any such content.

The IBCLC credential for each entry has been checked against the IBLCE registry before initial acceptance in the directory. We are not liable or responsible for an IBCLC whose certification has lapsed but who still may appear on this register (IBCLCs must recertify every 5 years). Any complaints about an IBCLC’s professional conduct should be sent to IBLCE via contact form.


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An IBCLC is a certified breastfeeding professional. Find out more


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About Philippa

Philippa is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in private practice in the UK

In addition to owning and editing Breastfeeding Support, Philippa is a Professional Liaison Leader for La Leche League Great Britain (LLLGB) supporting La Leche League Leaders with medical queries. For more information see the About Page.

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Philippa's Private IBCLC Practice

West Midlands, UK

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Now Reading Katy Linda 12 Oct, 2014