(Philippa Pearson-Glaze) is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) offering home visits in and around Dudley and Stourbridge in the West Midlands (UK).
What is an IBCLC?
An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is the highest international credential awarded in breastfeeding support. IBCLCs are skilled with both the normal course of breastfeeding and how to navigate any issues you may encounter—wherever you are on your breastfeeding journey. Whether you need help attaching your baby comfortably at the breast, increasing your milk supply or problem solving complex issues, an IBCLC can support you. To find out how an IBCLC differs from other types of breastfeeding help see Why Hire an IBCLC?
Philippa’s services
In addition to offering antenatal education, and postnatal consultations, Philippa has created a comprehensive informational website: Breastfeeding.Support for parents to access helpful breastfeeding tips and resources 24 hours a day.
Breastfeeding.Support is an evidence-based informational website with answers to many breastfeeding challenges. Popular articles include:
- How to Make More Breast Milk
- No Breast Milk After Delivery
- Baby Not Gaining Weight
- The Fussy Breastfed Baby
- When Baby Won’t Breastfeed
- Flutter Sucking and Comfort Nursing
- Why Does Breastfeeding Hurt?
Use the search bar or the articles page to navigate the site.
Antenatal Breastfeeding sessions
Knowing what to expect with breastfeeding, how to get off to a good start and when to call for help are invaluable to avoid running into problems. Antenatal sessions can be tailored to your needs and can include unpicking previous breastfeeding experiences that may have not gone as planned. Antenatal sessions can be carried out remotely by video and include:
- How breast milk is made
- Breastfeeding basics – normal feeding patterns
- Tips for positioning and attachment when baby comes
- Preventing problems and red flags to look out for
- Your partner’s role
Postnatal home visits
A relaxed face-to-face consultation in your own home is the ideal way to problem solve and a great deal can also be covered by a video consultation. An initial postnatal consultation tends to last between one and a half and two hours. During this time Philippa will:
- Take a full history of your birth and breastfeeding experience to date including any medical details that can affect lactation
- Observe a breastfeed
- Help with positioning and attachment
- Answer any questions and unpick any bad advice
- Create a care plan to get you back on track
- Provide two weeks follow up support by email or telephone
A single visit with follow up support is often all that is needed, however breastfeeding problems can be complex and may benefit from more than one in-person visit or video session.

About Philippa
Philippa breastfed her own four children and became a volunteer breastfeeding counsellor in 2002 with La Leche League Great Britain. After sitting the IBCLC exams in 2011, Philippa qualified as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Philippa is the owner and editor of Breastfeeding.Support, an evidence based website sharing helpful breastfeeding tips and resources. In 2021 Philippa won the Lactation Consultants of Great Britain’s Outstanding Contribution to Breastfeeding Award for her work on Breastfeeding.Support. Philippa is also a Professional Liaison Leader for La Leche League Great Britain, a member of Lactation Consultants of Great Britain and has professional liability insurance.
- Philippa currently only has limited availability for in person visits within about ten miles of Stourbridge. Fees are payable.
- For a quotation for a home visit or video consultation please email Philippa at and include your location (post code) or leave a message at 01384 886200.
“Philippa was incredibly empathetic in her online consultation with me and my husband, and gave us the reassurance we badly needed. She was also up to date and knowledgeable, frequently citing recent studies on breastfeeding. While giving us clear and well-supported guidance, based on an extremely thorough evaluation of possible causes of my low milk supply, she also recognized nuances and differing perspectives among other professionals. She worked to help me return to exclusive breastfeeding, of course, but at the same time she unequivocally recognized the importance of temporarily supplementing with formula in the case of my low milk supply and our underweight baby. While encouraging us, Philippa didn’t promise guaranteed solutions or downplay the uncertainties and difficulties involved in increasing my milk supply. She was generous with her time and gave us an incredibly detailed written follow-up plan within a day of our meeting. Our appointment confirmed what we had concluded from her website: Philippa really is exceptional, and I was very fortunate to have received breastfeeding support from her.” M. P.
“I’m really glad that we decided to get some help for breastfeeding difficulties from Philippa. Within a matter of days my baby was accepting the breast again and within a few weeks he was taking half of his feeds at the breast. Philippa gave us so much encouragement and support which gave me the confidence to persevere at those difficult times and was always contactable every step of the way, which was invaluable.” L. M.
“I was so grateful to find some independent breastfeeding help whilst struggling with feeding my daughter. Philippa offered practical advice and alternative positions to help ease painful feeding and now five months on I’m still exclusively breastfeeding. I’m so pleased I stuck with it!” E. W.
“When I contacted Philippa I was in constant pain during feeding and battling with a fast let down and a seven week old baby who wasn’t as happy or gaining weight as I felt he should. Being able to spend time with Philippa in the comfort of my own home was the best decision I could have made for me and my baby. She was able to observe feeding and offer suggestions in a very supportive and genuine way. The tailor made programme and additional reading have worked brilliantly. Not only is my little boy gaining more weight he is far more content and feeds are the relaxing bonding experiences I had envisioned when I was pregnant. I am now confident that our breastfeeding journey is far from over.” S. C.
“My daughter will be 23 weeks old this week. I consulted Philippa when she was 10 weeks old. I am writing this whilst breastfeeding her. I can hear her swallowing with gusto. Every now and then, she stops, looks up at me and gives me a gummy grin which melts my heart each time she does it. I am proud to have come thus far. During her earlier days, I struggled every day with the temptation to stop breastfeeding, due to the pain it was causing me; and the hunger, discomfort and frustration my baby was suffering due to her inability to efficiently transfer milk. I had found Philippa’s website via an Internet search early on, but only contacted her after a chance conversation with another of her clients. Philippa worked tirelessly and compassionately with us, to give us a variety of helpful pointers. Since meeting Philippa, breastfeeding is pain-free, and my daughter has shown an impressive weight gain. Everyone she meets comments on how happy she is. I really regret not contacting Philippa sooner, rather than doing so as a last resort. I would recommend any mum who is experiencing the slightest difficulty with breastfeeding, that consulting a qualified and experienced lactation consultant in the early days, will save you a lot of time and heartache, and I couldn’t recommend Philippa enough.” S. S.
“I saw Philippa for the first time when I was having a whole number of problems with my six week old son. Philippa did a thorough assessment and made recommendations giving me my own plan of action to improve things. My issues included tongue tie, slow/no weight gain, milk supply, thrush, tandem feeding, expressing, increasing supply, tube feeding, baby refusing to latch and Philippa was extremely knowledgeable about everything! She always had suggestions and ideas to try and my son has gone from almost totally bottle fed both expressed milk and formula to exclusively breastfed by six months. This was a turnaround I doubt very much I would have achieved without intervention from Philippa. I highly recommend seeing Philippa if you are in need of support, it is well worth the investment. Don’t delay! Get the support you need as early as possible. I wish I had known about Philippa when I first had problems as it wouldn’t have been so difficult to turn things around.” R. H.
“I had been breastfeeding for around four weeks when I contacted Philippa for support. I was struggling with getting my baby into the right position to latch on correctly. This was causing quite bad nipple damage and subsequently quite severe pain for me both when latching my daughter on and during feeding. My baby was also gaining weight at a lower rate than she should be.
Philippa came out to my home the very same day I contacted her and she was such a huge support. It was great to be able to have one-to-one time with someone in the comfort and privacy of my own home. Philippa took the time to get to know about my pregnancy, labour and medical history before discussing breastfeeding which I thought was very good and she watched how I was latching my baby onto the breast before helping my daughter and I to correct our technique. Philippa showed me how to get myself into a comfortable position, how to align my baby and how to encourage her to open her mouth into a wider gape. She also helped me to solve a problem I’d been having with my breast pump for expressing too!
With Philippa’s help, I’m now much more comfortable with latching my daughter on, feeding her is painless and she seems to be getting much more milk when she’s feeding which will hopefully help with the weight gain. Philippa also sent me a really comprehensive written summary of the suggestions she gave which I’m able to refer back to anytime. I can’t recommend Philippa enough; she’s been a huge support and I only wish I’d contacted her sooner rather than suffering the pain and nipple damage for so long.” L. L.
“I cannot thank Philippa enough for her help and support to us, and for the confidence she gave me to do what I believed was right for my child. I contacted Philippa when my baby was eight weeks old, he was only gaining weight very slowly and I was struggling with nipple and deep tissue thrush, low milk supply and probably at least some postnatal depression. Philippa’s sensitive, patient and pragmatic support and management empowered me to carry on trying to breastfeed in the face of many challenges. It was a long hard road—with recurrences of thrush along the way causing pain and frustration—but we are still breastfeeding at one year old. It looks like we’ll be going for a while yet—we’ve worked hard for this and I’m not stopping until my son is good and ready! Particularly as my child is happy, healthy, smiley, adaptable, gregarious and confident, most of which I’m confident is because of the security he has gained from our breastfeeding relationship. I don’t think this would have happened without Philippa. In fact, the way we were headed frightens me now to think about it. Philippa was absolutely central in our journey and I am deeply grateful to her.” G. H.